Beer Cilia Forceps

Beer Cilia Forceps


Beer Cilia Forceps are specialty surgical instruments use to pull out lashes from the edges of the desired eyelid, in order to set up adequate conditions to perform blepharoplasty and other ocular procedures.

  • Stainless Steel 
  • Reusable
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Beer Cilia Forceps

Care Instruments offer Beer Cilia Forceps featuring an overall length of 9cm – 3 1/2″ having Spring handle with plain tips with curved working end profile. It is primarily  used to extract Lashes from the eye during certain ocular procedures. 

They can be also used in cosmetic procedures for removing unwanted eyelashes or shaping eyebrows. 

The instrument features a pair of round-shaped jaws that provide increased grasping surface. In addition, the smooth profile of the jaws is ideal to prevent accidental trauma during cilia extraction.


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Beer Cilia Forceps

Product Code: G18740, IZHB0491,  SU 100-069-1

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