Elliot Obstetrical Forceps

Elliot Obstetrical Forceps

Elliot Obstetrical Forceps


Elliot Obstetrical Forceps are specialty surgical instruments used in childbirth to assist with difficult vaginal deliveries by applying traction and rotation to the fetal head.

  • Stainless Steel 
  • Reusable
SKU: CI-BRF-02 Categories: , ,
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Elliot Obstetrical Forceps

Care Instruments offer Elliot Obstetrical Forceps featuring an overall length of 38 cm – 15″ having Grip handle with Fenestrated working ends . It is primarily used in childbirth to assist with difficult deliveries, such as those involving fetal distress or abnormal fetal position, in order to safely guide the baby through the birth canal and achieve a successful vaginal delivery.

They can be also used in certain surgical procedures to grasp and manipulate tissues or organs during surgery. 

The forceps feature a pair of cephalic blades that follow the baby’s head contour. In addition, the blades have fenestrations that enhance sightlines and reduce local injuries.


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Elliot Obstetrical Forceps

Product Code: 27-6538-38, DF-325-3727,  SOI-3118

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