Hartmann-Hoffman Alligator Forceps

Hartmann-Hoffman Alligator Forceps

Hartmann-Hoffman Alligator Forceps

Hartmann-Hoffman Alligator Forceps are specialty surgical instruments used in medical procedures to hold, grasp, or manipulate tissues or objects. Their distinctive design with long, thin arms that resemble the jaws of an alligator provides a secure grip, and the tips of the forceps are often serrated for better gripping.

  • Stainless Steel 
  • Reusable
SKU: CI-ALF-4 Categories: , , ,


Hartmann-Hoffman Alligator Forceps

Care Instruments offer Hartmann-Hoffman Alligator Forceps featuring an overall length of 8.5 cm – 3 1/4″ with Ring handle.It is primarily used in various surgical procedures to grasp, hold, or manipulate tissues or other objects. They are commonly used in general surgery, plastic surgery, and in laboratory or research settings for tissue manipulation.

They are also used in dental procedures for holding or removing objects, such as teeth or bone fragments.

The forceps feature one fenestrated tip and an opposite sharp-edged tip, which permit extremely firm grasping. In addition, the jaws’ shapes are ideal for removing polyps during aural polypectomy procedures.


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Hartmann-Hoffman Alligator Forceps

Product Code: OT-0271-08, 1044.0196.08, SM2631

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