Nissen Artery Forceps

Nissen Artery Forceps

Nissen Artery Forceps

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Nissen Artery Forceps are specialized surgical instruments used to grasp, hold, and manipulate tissue commonly used in vascular surgery.

  • Stainless Steel
  • Reusable
SKU: CI-Art-35 Category:
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Nissen Artery Forceps

Care Instruments offer Nissen Artery Forceps featuring overall length of 18.5 cm – 7 1/4″ with Serrated working ends used in vascular surgery to clamp off or control the flow of blood vessels.

They are specialized haemostatic forceps that are also used to grasp and manipulate other tissues, such as intestinal, urinary, and reproductive organs. The jaws featured a curved profile to suit multiple applications. The ergonomic finger rings ensure maximum control.

Nissen Artery Forceps

Product Code: 07-2181-18

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